祝健牧师于 1979 年在长沙中国家庭教会信主,1983 年蒙召事奉神,1989 年于新墨西哥州 华人浸信会按立为传道。1991 年与当地的同工一道共同创立了美国最早的以大陆学人为 主体的华人教会,并一直牧养该教会至今。其主要服事的负担为灵修与生命成长、教会的 牧养与建造、以及国度事工的连接。
祝健牧师信主 40 年来,深受二千年圣徒传统的影响,并于 1979 至 1986 年期间,参与了 中国湖北大学校园的第一个校园团契的事奉,深得全国著名神仆蓝志一,许其贞的栽培。 后于 1986 年赴美留学,长期受到了著名的主仆黄得恩的进深栽培,并多方接受了江守道 的属灵影响。在漫长的神学探索实践中,祝健牧师潜心学习神所兴起的华人老一辈的属灵 精华,如腾近辉,王永信,唐崇荣,赵天恩,以及博采当代华人众教会领袖的标识性独特 教导,逐渐形成了一个以圣经圣灵圣徒的“三源合流”为界定的集大成的神学思想和实践 框架,以此透视和化解长期以来北美华人教会内部的文化紊乱综合症现象。在北美的早期 事奉,祝健牧师主要是受到了苏文峰牧师的栽培。
1983 年祝健牧师在武汉清楚得到了神所赐的国度连接的异像,并在过去 40 年的服事历程 中曾协助策划、共同发起、和受邀参与多个事工的服事,如中国学人培训营、生命季刊、 北美教会大陆事工使团(华人牧者团契)、更美的家乡音乐会、圣则机构、国际华人企业家 协会、华人知识分子信仰论坛、林肯基督教大学中国学院、美中民间交流协会、国际华人 安提阿培训事工、大瀑布特会、华人牧者领导力讲习班等。著有小书册“牧养教会”、 “灵修操练手册”、以及上百辑“上帝的指纹”与“明白神旨意”的油管视频讲座。
祝健牧师的妻子陈卧绿,也是当地教会按立的牧师。他们的儿子祝思天,于大学毕业之后 奉献作全时间校园传道人。目前在北卡州立大学创立了 InterVarcity 亚裔校园团契,并在 其中拓荒服事。
郑重声明:鉴于网上常常会有一些扭曲、夸大、甚至虚假的言论, 特别是对我们所信仰的真理和见证进行无中生有的捏造,因此请 各位读者特别小心和注意,不要被误导、欺骗、和利用。请各位 弟兄姊妹藉着圣经的真理、圣灵的感动、和圣徒的交通来辨认 一切在网上流传的言论,甚至是藉我的名义来发表的言论。
In 1979, Pastor Jian Zhu became a Christian at the Changsha House Church in China. He was called to serve in 1983 while he
was still a college student in China. In 1989 he was ordained as Preacher at the New Mexico Crestview Chinese Baptist Church.
Later in 1991, Pastor Zhu initiated and co-founded the earliest Mainland Chinese church in America, and have served as its
Pastor until today. His main ministry focus has been spiritual formation, church pasturing, as well as Kingdom networking.
Throughout his 40 years of faith journey, Pastor Zhu owes deep debt of his spiritual development to the 2000 years of historical
Christian tradition*. Between 1979 and 1986 Pastor Zhu participated in the forming and services of the first campus ministry in
Hubei Province in China. During that time, he was mentored by the then nationally well-known house church leaders of Lan
Zhiyi, and Gideon Xu. In 1986, Pastor Zhu came to America to study at the University of New Mexico, and had been for a long
while closely trained and mentored by the national house church leader Benjamin Huang. Pastor Zhu had also been deeply
influenced by internationally known Christian leader Stephen Kaung (Richmond, Virginia).
During his long, personal journey of theological exploration, Pastor Zhu has dedicated his focal devotional studies to the core
teachings of those internationally known Chinese Christian leaders, such as Philip Teng, Thomas Wang, Stephen Tong, and
Jonathan Chao. He has also had many years of meditated studies on a variety of iconic teachings of those well-received
Chinese Christian leaders of the current time. Gradually Pastor Zhu has formed his unique and integrated framework of
theological thinking and ministry application, clarified as “Scripture, Spirit, and Saints”, the three major Christian traditions in
one. This framework has helped himself and others in anttempt to discern some of the chronological symptoms of church
cultures among the North American Chinese community churches. In his early ministry apprenticeship, Pastor Zhu was
mentored by the wel-known Chinese church leader of Edward Su.
In 1983, Pastor Zhu received a clear vision of Kingdom networking while he was still in Wuhan college campus. Since then,
Pastor Zhu has been involved in the strategic planning, or co-founding in the initiation, or being invited to the joint service of
the following ministries, such as the Overseas Chinese School of Servanthood**, Life Quarterly Magazine, North America
Mainland Chinese Mission (currently the Chinese Pastors’ Fellowship), the Better Homaland Concert***, Excelsis,
International Chinese Enterpreneur Association****, Forum on Christian Faith of the Chinese Intellectuals**, Lincoln
Christian University China Institute, America China Civic Exchange***, BILD and Antioch Chinese Program, Niagara Falls
Retreat***, School of Chinese House Church Pastors Leadership Training, etc. Pastor Zhu has published several small
booklets, such as Pastoral Ministry (Overseas Campus, 2000), and Devotion Practise (Chinese Pastors Fellowship, 2018). He
has also produced over 100 Episodes of “God’s Fingerprints” and “Knowing God’s Will” as YouTube ministry teaching.
Pastor Zhu’s wife Rebecca Chan, is also an ordained pastor at the local church. Their son Samuel Zhu, after graduated from
Duke University, received his calling to serve as camups minister. He has now joined InterVarsity ministry and founded an
Asian chapter at the North Carolina State University, as its minister.
*This is a very broad framework of description regarding Christian tradition. An attempt is made here to explain the “2000
years of historical Christian tradition” narrative, by using Richard Foster’s combined categories of both “the Contemplative
Tradition” and “the Evangelical Tradition”. (Richard Foster, Streams of Living Water: Celebrating the Great Traditions of
Christian Faith , HarperSanFrancisco, 1998)
**Mission accomplished or project objective met before closure;
***Ministry become inactive due to either Covic, geo-political landscape change, or other unspecified reasons;
****Ministry restructured or regrouped that has no further connection with its original ministry.
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